What is VO2 max in exercise?

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fastinfosearch.com - What is VO2 max in exercise?

Maximum oxygen consumption or maximum oxygen consumption or maximum oxygen consumption or VO2 max (also maximum oxygen absorption) is the maximum amount of oxygen consumption, which is used as a measure of the amount of oxygen in a sports activity. The maximum oxygen consumption is also related to the aerobic fitness of a person, and one of the determining factors is the maximum tolerance of a person during exercise.

The names that include it: V-volume, O2-oxygen gas, max-maximum

Athletes are always looking for ways to increase the duration of their activity and perform more activities until they can reach their maximum potential. For this reason, usually during exercise, with the help of health trackers, heart rate, calories consumed, number of steps and many other things are measured. But measuring one more thing is very important: VO2 max.

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fastinfosearch.com – What is VO2 max in exercise?

What is VO2 max?

“VO2 max” which is sometimes known as “oxygen consumption” or “maximum aerobic capacity” is briefly the amount of oxygen that is consumed during the maximum effort in an activity. This factor is usually used to test the aerobic endurance or cardiovascular fitness of athletes, either during exercise or after the end of an exercise. A higher value of this factor indicates more physical fitness for aerobic sports, more energy and better physical health. VO2 max can determine the fitness level of your heart and breathing and show how long you can continue to exercise with a certain intensity. Intensity means, for example, time or distance in activities such as running.

More precisely, VO2 max indicates the amount of oxygen you consume in milliliters per minute per kilogram of your weight. In this way, its unit is milliliters per kilogram per minute (ml/kg/min). In other words, it can be said that a higher VO2 max indicates more oxygen transfer to the muscles during exercise. Of course, this issue depends on various factors: the amount of oxygen that enters your body in each breath, the amount of oxygen that is received from the blood by the tissues, the number of red blood cells, the maximum output of the heart and many other factors.

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fastinfosearch.com – What is VO2 max in exercise?

VO2 max is different from heart rate and although it can be as important as measuring heart rate, it is not more important to measure it for health monitoring. This factor does not indicate the increase in body oxygen consumption after exercise (EPOC). On the other hand, you should not confuse VO2 max with the “lactose threshold” limit. Lactose threshold is a point during training where the formation of lactic acid in the blood increases from the amount of its exit from the body. Upon reaching this threshold, pain and muscle cramps begin. This limit usually occurs in 50 to 80% of VO2 max.

How to measure VO2 max?

Although VO2 max is a good measure for tracking health, it is not so easy to measure accurately. Unless you have access to advanced laboratory equipment. This is the reason why this factor is usually raised in the case of professional athletes. To measure VO2 max using advanced equipment, you need to go on a treadmill or a stationary bike and wear a special mask, and at the same time, your heart rate is measured at the same time. The mask is connected to a device that can measure the volume of inhaled oxygen as well as the amount of exhaled air. When you start the activity on the treadmill or stationary bike, you should gradually increase your speed or the difficulty of the path, until the amount of oxygen consumption remains constant even with the increase in intensity.

Then, when you return to a flat surface during activity, the body begins to transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. This is the point where the body stops using oxygen to burn carbohydrates, amino acids, and fats because there is no longer enough oxygen available. Shortly after you reach this point, muscle fatigue will begin and you must return to the aerobic state and continue the activity.

fastinfosearch.com - What is VO2 max in exercise?
fastinfosearch.com – What is VO2 max in exercise?

What should my VO2 max be?

Similar to heart rate, there is no “good” VO2 max value. This factor is different in each person’s body and depends on age, gender, fitness level and external factors such as altitude above sea level, for example:

A sedentary man records an average VO2 max of about 35 to 40 ml/kg/min, and this amount for a sedentary woman is between 27 and 30 units.
A professional male runner has a VO2 max of up to 85 units, and this amount for women is up to 77.
The ideal VO2 max value for a 25-year-old man is between 42.5 and 46.5, while for women of the same age it is between 33.0 and 36.9.
In general, it can be said that for most people, the amount between 30 and 60 units is suitable.

So far, the highest measured VO2 max has been recorded by “Bjorn Dehli”, a male skier who has won medals many times in the Winter Olympics. In the 1990s, Delhi set a VO2 max record of 96 units. According to reports, a Norwegian cyclist managed to record a VO2 max equal to 97.5 ml/kg/min, although researchers still doubt the accuracy of the result.

Are wristbands and smart watches capable of accurately monitoring VO2 max?

One thing you should know about health gadgets, including watches and smart wristbands with the ability to monitor VO2 max, is that all of them can only estimate this factor. However, there are ways to estimate an approximate score using simple home tests and equations, and many personal health trackers such as watches and wristbands use the same methods.

In one of these methods, called the “heart rate ratio method”, the criteria of the maximum heart rate and the resting rate are used, and a ratio coefficient between the two is considered. Finally, this value is combined with other factors such as age, gender, disease probability, etc. Another method is “Cooper’s test”, according to which the athlete must run as far as possible for 12 minutes. After that, VO2 max will be calculated based on the distance covered. Of course, the limitations of this method are very clear, and even things such as leg strength or step length can significantly affect the final results.

fastinfosearch.com - What is VO2 max in exercise?
fastinfosearch.com – What is VO2 max in exercise?

Another test called “beep test” which is also known as “multi-step test” is also used to measure VO2 max. This method involves running forward and back to the first place in a 20-meter track, similar to what we have experienced in elementary school sports classes. The final test is called the Rockport Fitness Walk, which uses data from a 1.6 kilometer walk. Finally, heart rate information at the end of the walk is combined with weight, age, gender and many other factors.

Personal health trackers usually use the same methods. Most trackers begin to calculate and display VO2 max with acceptable accuracy after you’ve worn them for a few hours of walking or running. But the problem with these gadgets is that most of their measurement methods are not very accurate and there is no way to get all the information they need. As with most trackers, they do not receive information about whether a person smokes or has health problems.

In addition, unfortunately, most companies are not very transparent about the algorithms used to measure VO2 max. Perhaps one of the reasons for this is the fear of revealing their strategy to competitors. In addition, they are probably worried about the criticisms that question their not so accurate results. Maybe that’s why companies like Fitbit cleverly consider other names like “cardio fitness score” for this factor.

Finally, it should be said that these numbers can still be useful in guiding sports training, but their accuracy cannot be counted on. But there is no doubt that professional athletes should not trust such methods.

How to increase your VO2 max?

Increasing the body’s capacity to use oxygen is one of the surest ways to get closer to your endurance goals, and a higher VO2 max essentially makes it possible to get there. High intensity interval training is one of the best ways to improve VO2 max. With the help of this method, you can train your body to work at extremely high levels for a certain period of time; Of course, the duration of the activity should be such that you can reach or cross the anaerobic threshold before returning to a steady aerobic state.

Theoretically, any exercise that continues up to your limits can increase your VO2 max. Muscles don’t grow unless they are under pressure to challenge them. VO2 max is exactly the same as muscles; If you run at a slow pace every day, you will never become a faster or better runner. For example, to improve VO2 max, you can do the following:

  • First, run at a high speed for one minute
  • Then run at a slow speed for 30 seconds
  • Then run at maximum speed for 30 seconds
  • After that, run slowly again for 2 minutes
  • Repeat the same cycle.

If running is not your favorite sport, you can do swimming, cycling, sailing or any other similar sport based on the same principles.

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