Can Yoga Be Dangerous?

1 - Can Yoga Be Dangerous?

Yoga Be Dangerous

In addition to the many mental and physical benefits, yoga may harm humans in some cases. In the following, he talked more about the disadvantages of yoga.

What are the disadvantages of yoga?

Maybe until now you didn’t think that yoga has any harm and you always thought that it will only cause relaxation and meditation. If not!

Yoga is a physical exercise that can lead to negative side effects. As an exercise, yoga must be done correctly and in moderation, otherwise it can increase the risk of injury.

Yoga exercises and movements will be easy and have positive effects as long as you spend a lot of time and energy on them and gain enough mastery over these exercises.

In fact, yoga has very technical exercises that you must learn the techniques of performing these exercises correctly and when choosing different yoga methods, be sure to pay attention to your inner personality and tendencies and choose yoga exercises according to these characteristics.

Because in case of a wrong choice, it is possible that your negative aspects and tendencies will be strengthened and ultimately yoga will not have a positive effect on your body and mind. In fact, yoga is a mixed bag of nuts!

You can never imagine what you will achieve by doing yoga movements at the beginning of yoga; Because not all yoga experiences are equal! - Can Yoga Be Dangerous?
Yoga Be Dangerous

You may have heard a lot about the benefits of yoga in reducing stress and the effect it has on the relaxation of the mind and body, but the dark side and disadvantages of yoga may still be unknown to some people. In the following, we have mentioned some of the disadvantages of yoga.

1. Muscle stretching

All people who practice yoga have learned the techniques of stretching and have brought their body’s flexibility to the best possible level.

Many beginner and advanced yoga movements and exercises require a certain level of body flexibility, and if you cannot reach this level of flexibility, it is possible that you may experience straining or straining your muscles as a result of doing yoga exercises.

2. Osteoporosis

Fixed positions and movements may be harmful rather than beneficial for people suffering from osteoporosis; Because these situations will increase the damage to bones and soft tissue and may even cause muscle strain.

People with neck, hip, knee and back pain are in the most vulnerable group of these movements. Likewise, postures that follow headstand known as Salamba Sirsasana, Bridge, Downward Facing Dog are associated with osteoporosis, as they cause stretching or bending of the spinal canal.

These positions are associated with more than 20 types of bone injuries, including disc protrusion and pressure on vertebral discs. So the question is, shouldn’t people who suffer from osteoporosis do yoga?

Of course not. Although adjusting the positions based on the level of physical health and your need to perform that movement can reduce the damage of those movements. - Can Yoga Be Dangerous?
Yoga Be Dangerous

3. Dizziness, one of the side effects of yoga

Having vertigo causes a loss of balance, and the person feels that the surrounding environment is spinning around the head.

Dizziness caused by yoga is one of the most common complications and harms of yoga that will occur after performing some yoga exercises such as standing and balancing on the head (headstand) and Urdhva Dhanurasana.

Because these movements are done in such a way that they cause head inversion and will bring a feeling of dizziness.

4. Ligament rupture, one of the disadvantages of yoga

Ligaments are connective tissue that hold 2 joints together and limit joint movement.

Yoga exercises and especially asanas exercises are done with the aim of making the body flexible, but you should note that too much flexibility causes pressure on the ligaments and there is a possibility of ligament rupture.

As a result, this issue can be considered one of the disadvantages of yoga.

5. Stiffening of the neck and causing pain is one of the disadvantages of yoga

Standing head and neck in some cases may cause pain and injury in the neck; Especially when the neck and head are in the wrong position repeatedly and for a long time.

As a result, if you do wrong movements during yoga exercises that cause pressure on the neck, it is possible to face stiffening of the neck and cause more pain in the neck. - Can Yoga Be Dangerous?
Yoga Be Dangerous

6. Wrist pain is one of the disadvantages of yoga

Poses and postures such as Vasisthasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana and Tadasana are made in such a way that you have to bear all your body weight on your wrists.

This excessive pressure on the wrist may cause the ligament to tear and cause serious problems in the wrist joints.

7. Complications of glaucoma

Cataract is a type of vision disorder caused by excessive pressure on the optic nerve of the eye. Generally, in movements with the head down, such as standing on the head and shoulders (headstand), pressure is applied to the optic nerve and can cause glaucoma.

Aggravation of high blood pressure is also considered one of the disadvantages of yoga. Movements in which the head is down for a long time and deep breathing can cause high blood pressure.

If you already have high blood pressure, you are definitely not allowed to practice yoga at a professional level, such as breath of fire. - Can Yoga Be Dangerous?
Yoga Be Dangerous

8. Back and back injuries (spine)

Positions in which the upper body bends forward and down too much, cause irritation and damage to the spinal discs, especially the discs of the lumbar spine.

Excessive twists and stretches before warming up are other factors that cause you to damage your vertebral discs and are considered one of the disadvantages of yoga.

Some yoga movements, such as Bharadvajasana, Bitilasana and Marjaryasana, are designed to reduce back pain; But if these movements are performed incorrectly, they can cause more pain in the back and lumbar disc.

9. Muscle stretching

Adverse effects on the muscular system have been reported in the studies of Plas One. That is, stretching in large muscle groups, this harmful stretching occurs when you ignore your body’s voice and try to stretch beyond your range of motion.

In fact, the correct tension is such that you feel a gentle pressure; Do not put too much pressure on the muscle. - Can Yoga Be Dangerous?
Yoga Be Dangerous

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